how incredible our eyes are!!! light bounces off the world and into our eyeballs, and the perception of it all gets transmitted to our brains! God is SO gorgeous!
i remember thinking, during a college course on our 5 senses, how completely foolish it is to count God out! the eye alone could NOT have come about by chance. and when you discover all the processes and body parts that depend on each other and cannot exist without each other, it would take more faith to believe that 'chance' caused them all to come together at the same exact second than it does to believe that God created it all!
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20
i appreciate my eyes specifically tonight. i have always known that i depend on and love having sight, but tonight i did 2 simple tasks with my eyes closed, just to remind myself to appreciate them. i fed the cat and put the dishes from the dishwasher away.
so to begin with, i had to walk across the living room/dining room, and halfway across, i started wondering where exactly i was and if i might run into something. i heard nardo (the cat) make a noise and my eyes popped open without me even thinking about it! oops! ok try again...
as i went along with these tasks, i realized how much of being blind for me would depend on remembering where things were, on planning ahead, and on my other senses. i started noticing sounds to reference where i was and i sure spent a lot of time with my hands stretched out in front of me to prevent me from bashing my face into stuff... i needed to plan ahead and open all the cupboards wide so i didn't hit my head on them and so that i wouldn't be trying to get the door open with my hands full of dishes. i started thinking about what part of the dish i should hold out so that it would be less likely to break... these are things i don't contemplate with my eyes open! and as i put dishes away where they always go, i thought, 'hmm.. orlondo thinks i am a stickler for 'where things go' NOW!' haha... i needed to be able to expect an empty shelf or a clean countertop.
when i was done and opened my eyes, it was so comforting to SEE! and, i must admit, i was a little proud of myself when i saw everything 'in its place'. and glad that i came away without a bruise.
i realized again how blessed i am to have my sight. and how blessed those people are who are graceful and kind amidst being blind. i'm not sure how i would be, especially at the beginning, if i went blind. but i pray that God would grant me patience and trust. and i pray that i never take my eyesight for granted while i have it!