But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
we don't know the first thing about unconditional love. we find it hard to love even those who love us, let alone those we don't know or those who treat us badly.
think of someone in your life who is hard to get along with.
maybe it's that co-worker who gossips.
maybe it's a relative who is always trying to pry into your life.
maybe it's someone from your childhood who abused you.
maybe it's a teacher at your school who seems bent on giving you a bad grade.
maybe it's that neighbor whose cigarette smoke blows right into your window.
maybe it's a stranger down the street who constantly drives by with one of those deafeningly loud tailpipes.
all of us have someone we kinda wish would just be removed from our lives. someone about whom it's difficult to have a good thought.
our natural love is conditional. even as a Christian, i have to admit that sometimes it's hard to care about certain people's souls! it's embarrassing to even write that, but it's true.
but here is God's example to us: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us... ok think about that for a minute. we were STILL sinning, actively, unremorsefully, uncaringly... not thinking about God at all, not concerned about His perfectness and our imperfectness. AT THAT MOMENT, Jesus died for us because He loved us so much!
that's like if someone just stabbed me and raped my daughter and somehow he is about to fall off a cliff. he's swearing at me and screaming that he's going to rape me too and cut me up, and AT THAT MOMENT, i lunge forward, somehow push him to safety, but in doing so i know i will fall off the cliff instead of him!
would i do that??
honestly, i can't imagine it.
but that's exactly what Jesus did.
He was innocent. He had lived the perfect life. temptations had come in every form, but He stood firm and always chose what God would want. then He got betrayed. then He was sentenced to death. people spit on Him, beat Him, ripped His clothes off, scoffed at Him and made fun of Him, and He was quiet.
if you had been there, you would have deserted Him too. but He chose to die for you anyway, AT THAT MOMENT.
"They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, "Sit here while I pray... My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death." ... he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. Mark 14:32, 34, 37
are you sleeping while Jesus suffers? are you living your life as if He doesn't exist? you insult His passion by saying, "i'll think about that God stuff later, after i've lived my life and had my fun."
if you call yourself a follower of Jesus, are you sleeping? are you watching t.v. shows when you should be praying? are you eating as much yummy food as you can and stuffing your fridge and freezer to the point that it goes bad before you use it, while others suffer of starvation?
"Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: 'The one i kiss is the man; arrest him and lead him away under guard.' Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, 'Rabbi!' and kissed him." Mark 14:44-45
do you betray Jesus with your words? do you call out His name when you are angry or frustrated or when you've stubbed your toe? realize that when you call the Lord's name, but do not acknowledge Him as your Lord, that you are insulting Him and belittling Him.
if someone asks you if you are a Christian and you say yes, but have never thought about what that means, have never picked up a Bible to read His words, have never decided to follow His leadership, then you betray Him.
"Then everyone deserted him and fled.
A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind." Mark 14:50-52
do you desert Jesus at the slightest hint of suffering?
what do you do when someone gossips in your ear? do you flee from listening, or do you enjoy being told the juicy morsel?
what do you do when a woman walks by with revealing clothes on? do you let your eye or even your mind wander up her legs?
or, more extremely, what would you do if a gun-wielding man barged into your home, tied up your children, put a gun to your head and commanded that you deny Jesus or be shot?
are you running so hard to enjoy indulgence, save face, get respect, escape pain, keep your pride, that you would leave your garments behind and run naked, all on your own?
the answer to all of these questions belies your true loyalty to Jesus.
"Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him and said, 'Prophesy to us, Christ. Who hit you?'" Matthew 26:67-68
have you ever taken a bribe? have you looked at a woman with lust in your heart? you have spit in Jesus' face.
have you told a white lie or a big lie? you're faking yourself out to make it sound better than it is. a lie is a lie, whether you're telling someone you like their hideous dress so you don't hurt their feelings, or whether you're cheating on your taxes to pay less than the government requires. you have struck Jesus with your fist.
do you love money? is your whole life centered around how to get more, how to get enough? it will never be enough. whatever amount you gain will always look too small once you've achieved it. you are slapping Jesus' face.
"'You are a king, then,' said Pilate.
Jesus answered, 'You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.'" John 18:37
"Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They... went up to him again and again, saying, 'Hail, king of the Jews!' And they struck him in the face." John 19:1-3
do you mock Jesus? do you deny His truth?
what do you think of when you think of Easter? bunnies and pastel eggs?
what about Christmas? Santa and gifts?
these are untruths. they're not 'all in good fun.'
do you excuse your own sin, but point self-righteous fingers at others?
are you willing to see sin as God sees it, even if people will persecute you for it? are you willing to speak out against prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, pornography...?
"Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him." Mark 15:19-20
do you envy what your neighbor has? have you looked at their car and angrily wished you had it? do you see her husband walk by and think how much better your life would be if he were yours? you have struck Jesus on the head.
do you let rage get the best of you? how do you react when someone cuts in front of you at the grocery line? do you let that boiling, fierce feeling rule your mind while you stare daggers into the back of their head? you spit on Jesus.
do you disrespect your boss? when he turns his back, do you roll your eyes and mutter under your breath? have you talked badly about him to your co-workers? you mock Jesus.
are you prideful? have you murdered someone with your thoughts? do you harbor unforgiveness for someone? do you secretly do porn? are you uncaring to someone who is hurting? you lead Jesus out to be crucified.
who is your god? who is on the throne of your life? is it you? do you answer to yourself? think hard about this. how do you make your decisions? do you go to God's word and to prayer, or do you do it all yourself?
every one of us is a sinner. and if you are a sinner, you have driven a spike into Jesus' wrist. you have pushed the crown of thorns down on his forehead.
this is not to make you feel hopelessly guilty, but to bring you to the truth. the truth of how far from God you are without Jesus covering you. this is to help you realize how sinful sin really is, from what we call tiny to the really big stuff.
God requires perfection. and it won't be found in you.
the only way to get the perfection required is to realize the blackness of your soul, contrasted to God's shining brightness, and to fall on your face in front of Him.
while you were STILL sinning, STILL lying, cheating, lusting, gossiping, eating gluttonously, hating, raging, plotting, bribing.... while you were committing all the badness you could, Jesus was dying.
for you.
it's Good Friday. we are all invited to come lay ourselves beneath the cross.
have you taken a good, hard, honest look at yourself yet today?
"Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man,
though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
Romans 5:7-8
Once again, my soul is convicted of it's sin. And could it be that he would suffer and die for me? Lord have mercy on me, '...for I am a sinful man.'
ReplyDeleteThank you for this stirring reminder to live for Him. Oh, what a cost! "May Your Spirit cause me to respond."