"Einstein felt, at most, man had attained 1% of the possible knowledge of the universe. Do you think it's possible God is able to do unexplainable things with the 99% we don't understand?" -from
Rooms by James L Rubart

Thursday, March 29, 2012

where are the clothes???

(this post has been written with the help of my insightful and wonderful husband, Orlondo)

women, where are your clothes?
as the temperature goes up and summer approaches, people spend more and more time outside, walking, running, sitting, sunning, playing sports... and women shed layers and layers of clothing, until there seem to be no more to shed!
sadly, even when we go to church, we see short shorts, tight jeans, and low necklines showing cleavage, and even more sadly, nothing is said from the pulpit about this lack of modesty in and out of the church!!! it seems that our leadership is afraid to make a statement about clothing, and i wonder: is it because they are afraid of offending those sitting right in front of them? or do they not see it? is it about attendance? are people SO entrenched in the culture that they don't even SEE it anymore??
it seems to be like the frog in a warming pot of water, who doesn't escape because he doesn't even notice the water getting hotter and hotter. he stays there till the water boils and he dies, without even being aware.
one sunday, we were sitting behind a very conservative older couple who had a daughter of about 13. her skirt only came below her crotch about 3 inches, drawing the eye and the mind to wonder if and when something inappropriate might be revealed. so after the service, Orlondo spoke privately to the father, and the father's response was that he didn't think it was bad!!! how can this be?
here are some current stats on the online porn industry (only ONE aspect of this terrible problem):

EVERY SECOND, 28,258 internet users are viewing porn (how many seconds did it take you to comprehend that sentence?)

EVERY MINUTE, $184,500 is spent on porn (how many minutes will it take you to read this post?)

70% of men ages 18-34 visit a porn site in a typical month

$10 - $14 BILLION is spent on porn annually, the same amount the US government spends on FOREIGN AID!

12% of the websites on the internet are pornographic

25% of search engine requests are for porn

there are 116,000 searches for "CHILD PORNOGRAPHY" every DAY!

the average age at which a child FIRST sees porn online is 11.

the most popular day of the week for viewing porn is SUNDAY.

38% of adults say porn is morally acceptable

50% of PASTORS regularly look at porn

for these stats and more, done in a much more interesting and artistic way, please visit these websites: marshill stats on porn and onlinemba stats on internet porn

you may think, well, that's online porn, completely different than when i'm walking down the street or sitting in a church pew. what makes you think that men won't look at as much skin as they can in real life??! it is just as arousing, if not more arousing, to see real, live, skin, put on display. and yes, YOU are the one putting it on display, so don't get angry at a man for seeing what you have shown! it is extremely confusing and frustrating to a man when you show them your body in a sexual way, but then get angry or look down on him when he is aroused by you.
and this 'arousal' doesn't mean what you may want it to mean. generally, women want to be loved, accepted, desired, and chosen above any other woman. we want a man to look at us and think, i LIKE that girl! true desire (related to love) from a man leads a woman to want sex. but women, when you show your breasts and upper thighs, men think SEX only, not 'love', not 'like'. they are not thinking of YOU and your person, they are simply seeing woman parts. just like when they view porn.

when men see any part of a breast, they immediately see sex, and can only assume that since you are wearing that shirt, you want them to see sex. do you want your husband/boyfriend/future husband to see other women's cleavage? your thighs have the same effect. men will view you as a sexual object when they see these parts. and it doesn't have to be skin; tight clothes leave little to the imagination and cause men to see exactly what your shape is. it is not a stretch for their minds to imagine you naked in a split second. do you think your mate wants his buddies to view you sexually???
a comedian once put it this way: if you wear a cop's uniform, people WILL assume you're a cop, even if you're not. if you're not a cop, why are you wearing a cop's uniform?? so if you dress like you want sex, like you're easy, like you're AVAILABLE, men will assume those things about you. YOU have chosen the wardrobe that communicates those things.

if you are one of the 38% of american adults who say porn is morally acceptable, think again.
Jesus said, "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28
it happens in a flash, or as fast as it takes to look. women, don't be partially responsible for causing someone to sin. and before you belittle your responsibility by saying, 'he shouldn't be looking,' remember  Jesus said, "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone (they weigh over 100 lbs) tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves." Luke 17:1-2
i have heard the idea many times that it is more ok for a younger woman to wear provocative clothes, especially if she is not married. but if you're not married, you STILL don't have the right to tempt someone to look at your breasts and crotch. believe me, men will like you because you are a woman. they will like you for being nice and virtuous. and just as you probably think you truly want a 'good man' who will be faithful to you, most men want the same attributes in a woman. the men you will attract by showing your body are not the ones worth finding.
and what happens when your body grows older and gets out of shape? if a man is only attracted to your looks, what does that say about your personality, or about the man you chose!?
this is what the Bible has to say about women's looks:
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment... Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of greater worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4
"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety... with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." 1 Timothy 2:9-10

your body is for your husband. when you get married, you will still talk to other people, hang out in crowds, speak on the phone, smile..... but if you want to be faithful, you will NOT have sexual relations with anyone else.  sex is to be a specialness, a uniqueness, in marriage. even people who are not particularly moral get angry when their spouse is unfaithful, hence shows like maury and jerry springer... we know deep inside that a relationship between a man and a woman should be exclusive, between only two people who love each other. sex is the physical expression of being with the person who truly KNOWS you and LOVES you.
because your husband will be the only one having sex with you, he should be the only one to view you sexually, and that is where your clothing comes in. looking sexy and looking nice are not the same thing. looking sexy is something you can do in privacy, for your husband, because it leads to sex. looking nice is when you wear clothes that cover you and show your personality. for example, they match your complexion and accent your eyes and hair....

here's a thought: if all women were truly modest (which includes dress and actions), there would be no pornography, no unwanted pregnancies, no broken relationships, no adultery.... there would be fewer divorces and, thus, fewer kids in trouble with the law due to broken families. and really, there would be no fearful feelings of jealousy between women.

so how can we make this practical?? here are guidelines that we really believe can communicate modesty here in the USA, while allowing you to be able to find clothes at stores:
the neckline of your shirts should cover ALL cleavage (the line between your breasts) and should not easily open when you bend over.
your shirts should cover your pants' waistline by at least a few inches so that they don't rise up when you bend down or sit down.
shorts and skirts should be long enough to almost reach your knees. and i mean like 4 inches above your knee when you kneel down. if you commonly go up and down stairs or are on stage, maybe wear leggings underneath to avoid any accidental viewings.
ALL clothing should be loose enough to get your fingers easily underneath without stretching the material. no one should be seeing the exact shape of your bra or underwear.
your bra should be substantial enough to hide nipples AT ALL TIMES, even when it's cold out. this includes sports bras, which tend to be stupidly thin.
just because it's the style doesn't mean it's ok.

what do you honestly think God's opinion is of the outfit you're wearing right now? does it honor HIM? does it honor your husband/future husband?
can you look at your closet and say, 'here is the wardrobe of a respectable woman'?
if not, and be honest, it's time to get a new wardrobe. if you don't have a lot of money, go to a goodwill; many of them honestly have some really good, up-to-date clothes (some with the tags still on) for CHEAP!
it's time for women to step up and be responsible for what we wear, for how we affect the men around us. their reaction to us is between them and God, but we need to do our part to be sure we do not cause them to lust after our bodies.
what will you honestly be able to say when you stand in front of God's throne on judgement day? will you be pure? were your clothes pleasing to Him? granted, we do not get into heaven by wearing modest clothes, but we still have to give an account for all our actions.
may the new style be respectable modesty! in reality, YOU, the consumer, drive what stores put on their clothing racks; what message will you send them?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

double standard

these days, my heart feels numerous questions for God:

  • why does evil seem to be winning?
  • why would anyone be allowed to steal an innocent child and force him/her into the horrors of the sex trade?
  • how come abortion is still even possible, so that millions of babies have been murdered just for being alive?
  • why would anyone hate another person for the color of their skin (and it goes both ways these days!)?
  • how is it that our public schools can get away with feeding our children processed, genetically modified, greasy slop and call it food? our kids are not only becoming obese, but are getting asthma, brittle bones, eye problems, and more!
  • how can big companies get away with dumping their deadly waste into our water supplies without us knowing?
  • how did it get to the point where Christians are taunted and called bigots for labeling sin as sin: homosexuality, abortion, immodesty, gossip, lust...?
  • and where did these crazy tornadoes and earthquakes come from that are killing people and leveling their homes??!

it seems that Satan is running away with the world, with our country, and no one is doing anything to stop it. the majority is cheering him on! how did this happen?

"Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear." Isaiah 59:1

right??? surely He hears us crying out to Him, begging for help and mercy!? He is the One who created the whole universe! why doesn't He take charge and help the 'good guys' win?

"But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.
For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with guilt.
Your lips have spoken lies, and your tongue mutters wicked things.
No one calls for justice; no one pleads his case with integrity.
They rely on empty arguments and speak lies; 
they conceive trouble and give birth to evil." Isaiah 59:2-4
"Their feet rush into sin;
they are swift to shed innocent blood.
Their thoughts are evil thoughts;
ruin and destruction mark their ways." Isaiah 59:7

this is not the only reason God doesn't answer our prayers the way we want, but it is a big one.
sometimes i think people see Christianity as one of those name tag stickers: "Hello my name is Christian." they slap it on their shirt and then forget it's there. they act in any way they please, and expect that piece of paper to take care of the rest. if anyone confronts them, they point self-righteously to it and say, "hey, i'm good. i'm a 'Christian.' don't tell ME how to live."
we act like a pet dog who has been given food and water and loving belly-rubs, but turns at the slightest sound to snarl and bite his own owner!

"For our offenses are many in Your sight,
and our sins testify against us.
Our offenses are ever with us, and we acknowledge our iniquities:
rebellion and treachery against the Lord,
turning our backs on our God,
fomenting (instigating) oppression and revolt,
uttering lies our hearts have conceived.
So justice is driven back,
and righteousness stands at a distance;
truth has stumbled in the streets,
honesty cannot enter.
Truth is nowhere to be found, 
and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey." Isaiah 59:12-14

we have turned our backs on God, collectively, as a country.

  • prayer has been removed from schools, from major events, from the military; we even hesitate to bow our heads at a restaurant for fear of what others will say.
  • parents allow celebrities to lead their children. girls scream and faint at the sight of their 'idols', boys stare at pornography, and parents chuckle and do the same things themselves.
  • true discipline is frowned upon. you can have your children taken away into child protection if your neighbor hears you spanking and calls the police.
  • the word 'tolerance' has nothing to do with its dictionary definition anymore. it should mean we could disagree but still live together. now it means you MUST agree or be labeled a bigot.
  • the quote, "don't judge me," became a license to sin, unchecked. 
  • big companies are licensed to patent a gene in corn, so that they can sue anyone who even accidentally grows a stalk of that particular corn. then our government offers that genetically modified corn as foreign aid to starving countries, and refuses to give them any other kind! meanwhile those big companies are suing poor foreign farmers left and right for growing corn that blew off the company trucks and grew in the farmer's field! unfair!
  • we allow our girls to wear shorts that barely cover their crotch, and shirts that show as much cleavage as possible. then we tell them they look 'sexy', but tell boys and men not to look. what??!
  • we encourage our boys to 'become men' by drinking or having sex with as many girls as possible; parents shrug and call it 'experience' or 'sowing their oats'. then we wonder why they don't respect women and why they drive drunk.
  • adults treat marriage like buying a pair of shoes. shop around; try some on; buy the one you want; if you don't like it, take it back and get a new pair. no biggie. just because you VOWED to be with that person forever doesn't mean you have to keep your vows. and we wonder why no one trusts anyone anymore.
  • people talk incessantly negatively about coworkers, family, and friends, looking for ways to be the one to share a juicy tidbit. i hear this all the time, "i'm not gossiping or anything, BUT......" really??
  • we expect lies from our government, the people WE voted to lead us.
  • creation by God has been all but abandoned, while a theory called evolution is taught in schools as though it is fact. we don't want there to be a God to whom we owe our lives. so we use unreliable and disproved dating methods and chart out far-fetched ancestral trees complete with concept drawings of monkey-men, and again, teach this in school as fact! many scientists refuse to even report all the discoveries that continue to back up the history in the Bible.
  • after all this, when a tornado rips through our town, or when a child is killed in a drunken car accident, we cry out to God and blame Him, accusing Him of not being there for us!

"All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people,
who walk in ways not good,
pursuing their own imaginations ----
a people who continually provoke Me to my very face." Isaiah 65:2

God is STILL, after ALL THIS, holding out His hands to us, willing to accept us, to adopt us as His very own children! All you have to do is repent, which just means to turn from your wrong ways and commit to walk towards God with Jesus as your leader.
And for those who have been faithful all along, there is SO much to fight for, SO much to look forward to.
Christian, do not give up the fight. do not grow weary in standing up for what you believe! it is worth it!

"Although you have been forsaken and hated...
I will make you the everlasting pride
and the joy of all generations." Isaiah 60:15

we say, "I delight greatly in the Lord;
my soul rejoices in my God.
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness...
For as the soil makes the sprout come up 
and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise
spring up before all nations." Isaiah 61:10-11

and may all the praise go to God, for saving us, for giving us the strength to carry on, for blessing us with eternal life!

"Let us not become weary in doing good, 
for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." 
Galatians 6:9

Saturday, March 17, 2012

look at me!

what is it that makes us desire so badly to be 'cool' that we will abandon life, limb, and soul to attain it?!
i am noticing a trend. when seasons change from winter to summer, people act extreme in the name of 'cool', especially in their cars and in the way they dress.
this past week, the weather here has changed from cold and snowy to warm and sunny, and the local residents have changed from cautious and covered to reckless and exposed...

as i drove to work today, i was turning right at a point where i had the right of way. the car turning into my lane who did NOT have the right of way had a woman in the passenger seat with her arm hanging out the open window. the look on her face as they careened around in front of me was priceless: irritation, disgust, how-dare-you... even though they were in the wrong.
just a few days ago i sat at a parking lot exit, waiting for a wall of cars to pass by so that i could drive off. from out of nowhere, another car behind me swerved right around me and turned in front of me, clearly straining his little car and struggling to keep pace with the steady flow of traffic.
and this is just the first week of warm weather...
what makes people do this?! does it make them feel better to arrive at their destination 1.2 seconds faster? and why is it that, in their cars, people somehow feel the freedom to bully others? that people feel that they are the ONE who is not going to get into an accident while driving recklessly?

a few weeks ago, we had a slightly warm day, nothing like the 70s we've been experiencing now. it might have been more like 50 out. but because it was warmer than it had been, people were out in their short sleeves and itty-bitty shorts! it snowed that night and while the flakes were dropping out of the sky, i saw one guy who was still in his shorts! really???
and i know from the past few years that when it really gets hot out, people will use that excuse to wear practically nothing outside in public. and yes, i said EXCUSE. people know good and well that you don't have to strip down to your underwear just because it's hot out.
for example: beach volleyball. somehow it became an olympic sport, so i have actually seen photos (unintentionally). the women wear the tiniest, most ridiculous excuses for clothing ever. and i heard some people say it's because they need to be free to move and it's so hot out... nonsense. men play beach volleyball too and you know what they wear? long shorts. and a big shirt.
another example: people around the world. women and young girls in the US have been wearing less and less during the hot months of the year. it's so hot, they say. i can't stand all these hot clothes. nonsense. people live in deserts, which are much hotter, and what do they wear? long dresses or pants because it prevents dehydration. they aren't dying of heat. you're more likely to die of heat with all your moisture floating away!

we want to be 'cool'. we want to stand out and be attractive. we want to fit in. we want others to look at us and think, ooh i want to be like them!
it's tempting to try to be the one everyone desires. it feeds our ego to be the driver of a fast car and to speed around everyone else. we know they'll look at us. even if they look at us with furrowed brow, they're looking at us.... and, we think, probably wishing they were like us. that's why, when we blast our radio at a stop light, we look straight ahead, not at anyone around us. it wouldn't be 'cool' to look around and see who's looking!
it feeds our ego to think we're the girl every other girl wants to be and every man wants to be with. so women stuff themselves into tiny shorts and shave as much leg as they can find and wear push-up bras and show cleavage, then walk past everyone with head held high, lest they be caught checking to see who's looking at them.

you know what i think? i think the reason we don't look around when we're doing something 'cool' for others to look at is that we're a little embarrassed to be acting this way. really, it's like a 5-year-old screaming in a shopping cart. children aren't afraid to blatantly grab attention, but as we grow up that behavior is frowned upon, so we just change how we do it. motorcyclists attach those ridiculously loud tailpipes. women contort their feet into uncomfortably high heels. girls strut by in jeans that look suctioned on. speeding cars swerve around and cut you off in traffic. deep down they're crying for attention.

you don't have to forego your life, limb, and soul to get attention. there will always be someone cooler than you, prettier than you. your neighbor will wax his car shinier than yours. but God wants you just how you are. He wants you to care for your life, limb, and soul. and He wants you to care for others on the road and to dress modestly. you don't have to sell yourself.

this is what He says:

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; 
you are mine.
... you are precious and honored in My sight, 
and... I love you."
Isaiah 43:1, 4

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but in humility consider others better than yourselves."
Philippians 2:3

"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety."
1 Timothy 2:9

Sunday, March 11, 2012

the Jos I love

when i think of my childhood, it lights up like a fairy tale.
i know there were tough times growing up as a missionary kid in africa, like saying goodbye to friends and family every time we boarded a plane or arguments about when i had to stop reading whatever book i was into, like boy heartache or a bad grade on a chemistry test. but those times are hard to find in my memory bank. what does come to mind is memory after memory of the Jos i love, the home i cry for.

tucked in the rolling red hills and scattered rocks of the Nigerian plateau is a sprawling city named Jos. as of 2006, its population is listed as 900,000, but there is no telling how many people really are there. it's a mass of dusty (or muddy, depending on the season) people and cars. the city grows wide, not tall, covered by rusty-looking tin roofs.

the city is moving, always moving, and even at night, in the quiet darkness, if you listen in the moist air, you can hear downtown mumbling, almost talking. it's full of wide-open life. there's no better word for what i experience when i step off the plane onto Nigerian soil: LIFE.

downtown main street - note the cars parked in the median!
the grass stays bright green all rainy season long! 
a friendly lizard on our wall
the people show incredible hospitality: i remember sitting in a tiny one-room home with no electricity, and our host asked us if we'd like a mineral (soda). when we made our choice, a child ran down the street to purchase our drink! had we realized they didn't have it, we might not have requested anything!

a young girl does laundry... the little they have, they eagerly share
i remember gorgeous dry season sunsets, perfect rainy season weather, with the temperature hovering around the 70s most of the year. rainy season is always my favorite: a time of deep purple-blue clouds that rush in cool and heavy, dropping big splattery drops of refreshing water.
i remember rain beating on tin roofs, so that when we were in class, the teacher would sometimes have to stop speaking because no one could hear! at home, a steady pattering of rain was the best way to fall asleep.

heavy rain clouds moving in
rainy afternoon at my high school
my 3rd and 4th grade building
where my dad taught for years!
sunset over our backyard - that tower is the water tank

overlooking Jos from a nearby rock formation
the memories that stand out in my mind are smiling faces, old engine parts, climbing our old mango tree, eating guavas, colorful headties with matching dresses, joyous singing, children laughing or just staring, wide-eyed... the light switches are opposite: up is off, down is on. almost all windows have bars crossing them, to prevent burglary. once our windshield was stolen right out of our car while it sat parked overnight just feet from our house!

bars on our windows
Sunday best
soccer is the game of choice - no matter the condition of the ball
shops are crammed together like sardines in a can, row after row of tiny cubby-holes filled to the top with cloth, soaps, candies, flip-flops... the proprietors stand outside laughing with their friends, or calling out for you to come in and see their wares.

that was a really fuzzy seat!

NEPA is the electric company, and it is notorious for failing. electricity might be off more than it is on, and the same went for the phone service and water supply. we kept a big water tank for times when the water was off, and ran out with buckets to fill during a heavy rain pour. my parents finally got a generator after throwing away too much spoiled food... and now, everyone uses cell phones while land lines are obsolete.

NEPA was off that night...
only one shop had a generator on this rainy, no-electricity afternoon. everyone else ran inside to escape the rain.
having little has made Nigerians resourceful. they make old tires into shoes, kids wire bottle caps into toy cars, mechanics taste the petrol (gas) in your engine to make a mechanic's diagnosis...

sweet school children... and a couple of mismatched flip flops!
the hospital male ward... a lot of waiting and disinfectant odors here
it was always a land of contrasts: satellite dish poking up from a dilapidated mud home; a polished mercedes benz parked next to a garbage heap; a cell phone in the hand of everyone, rich or poor; flowers growing firey red out of a brown, dry-season tree.
spiritually, it is more black and white than here in the US. they do not pretend that the supernatural doesn't exist.

young girls hoping to sell the chin chin and groundnuts that they carry on their heads
recently it has become a stark contrast of beauty and of horror.
the Jos i'm hearing about now is not the Jos i know. Muslims and Christians are fighting... a Muslim group called Boko Haram is claiming its desire to kill all Christians in the area. their purpose is to terrorize all Christians to make them leave, if not die.
in March 2010, in the middle of the night, the nearby village of Dogo Nahawa was attacked by a group of Muslims. over 400 people were hacked to death with machetes: women, children, and men alike.
see Reuters - Nigerian clash in Dogo Nahawa for more details.
that summer, i was blessed to visit the strong-willed survivors who were just barely finding the courage to move back into their homes. everyone i talked to had lost at least one family member. as we watched a soccer game amidst the green, peaceful hills, i caught myself in sad awe of the senselessness of it all.

watching the soccer game in a light rain
quiet contemplation - the face of many Dogo Nahawa children
cars and homes throughout the village were burned out, and now sat as silent reminders, or furniture

the violence didn't necessarily start then, but over the years since, there have been many killings. some are public shootings, some became known as 'silent killings', when Christians going on errands would just disappear and never make it home again. and the Christian community has often, sadly, reacted with anger, with retaliation.
two weeks ago today, a suicide bomber drove into a church in Jos. and today, another church in Jos was bombed. one of the blasts was close enough to my parents' house that bits of ceiling fell down and 2 living room windows were broken!
what happened to the Jos i knew, the Jos i loved!?
persecution often has a way of weeding out fake Christians, or those who are just 'in name only'. it also has a way of strengthening those who are truly God's people, because they become stronger and shine brighter.
i challenge you to search deep in your own soul; if you call yourself a Christian, which kind are you? what would be your response if someone busted down your door and slaughtered your family?

please pray with me for this city in turmoil, really the whole country is in turmoil.

  • pray for peace, but pray that it would be God's peace.
  • pray that Muslims will be reached by Christians who exemplify Christ's love.
  • pray that the cycle of violence will end, that Boko Haram will be disbanded and unfunded, and that Christians will use God's power in their lives NOT to retaliate. this would be such a testimony!
  • pray that this persecution will cause the real Christians to shine like stars into the darkness, and that many will be drawn to Jesus because of them.
  • pray for those who have lost family members: for comfort and for God's reassurance.
  • pray for protection for all of Nigeria's people, especially God's children (and, i'd like to say, especially my parents!).
  • and lastly, please pray for family members and loved ones of those living in Nigeria who are all over the world, like me! 
"we know that suffering produces perseverance; 
perseverance, character; 
and character, hope. 
and hope does not disappoint us, 
because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, 
whom He has given us." 
Romans 5:3b-5

for more thoughts on persecution, follow this link: dec persecution post


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

clean house

have you ever tried to clean every speck of dirt out of your house? and i mean EVERY speck. i don't just mean pulling out the couch and vacuuming underneath, i mean combing through each carpet hair and getting every microscopic piece of uncleanness out and opening up the couch cushions and getting every germ... around your whole house...
that's impossible, you say, i can't even see them! how could i possibly clean the things i can't even see?
exactly my point. so have you?
no, of course not! you say.

that is how clean our lives and hearts and minds have to be in order to stand in the presence of God. every speck must be gone. from the littlest half truth you can't even remember telling in the 5th grade to the littlest laugh you chuckled when you heard a good piece of gossip to the littlest thought of disrespect for your parents or teacher you entertained.... every speck.
but that's impossible, you say. and isn't it unreasonable?
what's unreasonable is that we would dare to tell GOD to lower His perfect standards because we have rejected Him! what kind of God would He be if He allowed imperfection into His presence? isn't it ridiculous when a teacher passes a child into the next grade, knowing full well he cannot read and is cheating at all his tests? but for some reason we expect God to lower His standards for us!
well, then it's hopeless. i can't meet the standard! you say.
and there is the horrible, terrible truth. you can't. no amount of work on your part will earn you perfection. no matter how many times you scrub the countertop, there will still be dirt in the sink, there will still be termites in the walls, there will still be dust under the rug.
but hidden therein is the wonderful, amazing truth. you can't do it, but GOD DID IT! God's perfect Son absorbed your imperfections, and stood in front of God as if HE had committed those imperfect things. HE took the punishment. God rejected HIM because of YOUR sins!
but Jesus didn't stop there! He came alive again! He overcame death! and He joined God again!
the only thing God asks of you is that you accept Jesus' sacrifice of His own life. He asks that you submit your life to Him, living each day in gratitude for His gift! He will put His Holy Spirit inside of you so that you can live a new and better life!
it's like, when you were groveling hopelessly in your filthy house, trying in vain to find and remove all the stains, all the dirt, all the germs, He came in and gave you a brand new house - no dirt, no filth! all you have to do is live in it, respect it, take care of it, show your gratitude.
i'd say that's a pretty good deal.