"Einstein felt, at most, man had attained 1% of the possible knowledge of the universe. Do you think it's possible God is able to do unexplainable things with the 99% we don't understand?" -from
Rooms by James L Rubart

Monday, September 17, 2012

all the frogs are boiling!

disturbing t.v. trend i've been noticing: networks subtly and slowly make changes to their shows' content to slowly desensitize us to things that are actually wrong - and it's working without the american public even realizing it!!!
if our values are frogs in pots of water, they are being heated to boiling under our very noses. and here we float, blissfully unaware of impending death.
it's already happened with modesty, especially on women. ever since the 70s (i wasn't around, but i've seen reruns of older shows and that's when i noticed the big rise in immodesty...), the networks have been slowly introducing shorter and shorter skirts, more and more cleavage, tighter and tighter outfits... and like i said in my last post, if we laugh at something that is supposed to be wrong, like a guy gawking at a woman's chest, we will no longer take the sin seriously. (see the post: laughter)
now, on regular primetime t.v., i consistently see bra advertisements that not only show a woman in a bra, but have her acting extremely seductively.
show after show portrays many or all the women in 'stylish,' form-fitting outfits, while men still wear normal, baggy outfits. (interestingly enough, the immodesty is starting to spread to men more too.)
then we arrive at the olympics. safe, right? WRONG! beach volleyball... are you serious!?? those women have on the tiniest bikinis known to man and we don't bat an eye. what has happened to our ability to sense impropriety? what has happened to our minds that immodesty doesn't even phase us?
the modesty frog in the proverbial pot has boiled to death without even knowing it.
and now, another pot is coming to a boil without us feeling the heat: the desensitizing of the american public to homosexuality.
americans have already fallen for the subtle push to believe that homosexuality is an inherited trait. according to my observations, this is how that happened: back in the 90s, scientists put out the word that they were searching for a 'gay gene.' that's all the news had to do to make the public believe that there WAS a gay gene: just label the suspected gene and report that scientists were looking for it. nothing came of it, and no gene was ever found, but the general belief among all americans i've talked to and overheard talking is that homosexuality is genetic. and that makes all the difference in their argument - if something is genetic, like race, how could anyone ever say that it's WRONG??! that's good logic, but the problem in this case is that homosexuality is NOT genetic. so the argument is based on a lie.
(the only genetic link is the same kind of link that they find with other problematic predispositions, like alcoholism or drug use or serial killing. many serial killers share particular genes, but there is no 'serial killing gene' and serial killing is still WRONG, even if someone is slightly more susceptible to the behavior based on their genes. if a man molested 5-year-olds, we'd put him in jail, even if he had some sort of genetic imbalance that predisposed him to the behavior. if a woman had the tendency to be addicted to heroin, we would try to help her stop because it's destructive and wrong behavior.)
so back to the ever-heating pot with the american public's values in it.
we used to have the 'token black guy' in different shows. he or she was there so that all races would be sure to be represented. kinda funny/odd/obvious, but GOOD. but now they're using the same tactic with homosexuality. this time, NOT good. the Bible clearly lists homosexuality as a SIN. it's NOT 'how you're born,' it's a wrong act, just like any other sin. it may be an extra-difficult one to overcome, like alcoholism or drug use or pedophilia, but it's still wrong. (for Bible references, in case you wonder, see the end of this post.)
for a few years now we've noticed that some of the competitive reality shows we watch, like CBS' Amazing Race or NBC's Celebrity Apprentice, repeatedly include a 'token' gay couple or a gay guy. slowly desensitizing us... causing us to get used to seeing their lifestyle portrayed - they kiss or discuss their 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' or 'partner,' as the case may be. we are left thinking, 'lots of people must be gay, right??' and 'everyone thinks it's ok, right??!' we'd better get up to speed, lest we be seen as judgmental!
in 2009, an ABC show came out called Modern Family. even the title is a subtle message playing to the desire of all americans to be MODERN. we just couldn't stand being called 'out of date!!!' so, the message is that if you want to call yourself 'modern,' you'd better be perfectly happy with a gay couple in your family.
now a new and slightly more daring twist comes this year: a show called The New Normal. this NBC gem features a gay couple. the main story line, according to the ads, revolves around how they use a woman as the 'surrogate' parent to have a child. again, the title says it all to the american public: if you want to call yourself 'normal,' you'd better get with it and be ok with gay couples having children.
(you may be wondering why i think it's intentionally done by the media. well, here's one reason: americans have generally been more reactive and 'homo-phobic' about men, not women. guess what gender almost ALL of the homosexuals on these shows are? MEN.)
most americans won't even realize they are being indoctrinated and desensitized to these ideas. we like to think we've come to our beliefs all by ourselves! but when someone like me comes along and calls the act of homosexuality 'wrong' and 'a sin,' the arguments against me will go something like this: 'how dare you JUDGE them for being gay!? that's how they were born! it's NORMAL! stop holding onto those backwards beliefs, and start living in the MODERN WORLD!!'
americans are being fed these ideas and arguments by the media, without even realizing it. and it's not just immodesty and homosexuality, it's all sorts of things: disobedience to parents, adultery, and the list goes on.

how about you? 
are you listening to the Bible for your guidance, or are you slowly being convinced by the shows you watch to change your morals?
are your values on their way to being boiled to death?
or will you take notice and get out of the pot?

verses about homosexuality:
Leviticus 18:22 - the original command against homosexuality
Romans 1:26-27 - listed in the history of sin
1 Timothy 1:10
1 Corinthians 6:9 - in the list of sins which cause you to lose your rights to the kingdom of God... BUT as a Christian, it is possible to turn from ANY sin: 1 Corinthians 6:11 "... that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."


  1. Very good.... very good indeed.

  2. I always enjoy your writings. "woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;" (Isaiah 5). Another argument that will come up against you if you call sin, sin is that you are 'brainwashed' -- I get that all the time. I then contemplate, "who's really brainwashed? (you drove this point home very well in your post) by society, media, etc. Good stuff! D.C.
