"Einstein felt, at most, man had attained 1% of the possible knowledge of the universe. Do you think it's possible God is able to do unexplainable things with the 99% we don't understand?" -from
Rooms by James L Rubart

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

when you feel tired...

i feel tired.
my head has been in pain all day. i haven't been home much this week. my workdays have been averaging 10 hours long. i've been on my feet for days. my eyelids feel puffy and heavy.
i feel tired.
i love my work, but i feel a little worn.

it's weeks like this when i find myself sighing and stretching and correcting my slumpy posture that i think of God's unweariness and feel thankful.

Psalm 121:3-4 puts it this way:
"He.. watches over you and will not slumber;
indeed, He who watches over Israel 
will neither slumber nor sleep."

and this isn't referring to some sort of insomniac who stays awake in a sleep-deprived stupor.
God doesn't NEED to sleep! He is above that. tiredness doesn't affect Him.

so as i plow through tired weeks, going-going-and-never-stopping, aching for those moments when i can sit down, just for a few minutes, it's a good reminder to lean on God. it's a good reminder to remember the completeness, the above-ness of God.
it's almost good to have those weary times, just so i can remember the awesome qualities of God.

it's good to remember that when i am not enough, He is.

1 comment:

  1. Such an excellent and much needed reminder. In fact, it reminds me that even when we feel good, we are not enough; this too is from God! Thank you, sweetness.
